
  • Juan David Jiménez-Bolaño
  • Óscar Sierra-Serrano
  • Ronald Alessandro Díaz Flórez Investigador independiente
  • Hugo Alejandro Zarate-Tirado
  • Hernán Darío Granda-Rodríguez


Palabras clave:

Colombia, dieta, Leptodeira, nuevos registros de presas


Las serpientes ojo de gato presentan una amplia variedad de presas compuesto principalmente por ranas y lagartijas. En este trabajo realizamos una revisión de las presas registradas para el género Leptodeira, y reportamos nuevos registros de dieta para varias especies de estos ofidios.  


Abarca, J.G., E. Hidalgo-Mora, R. Ramírez-Campos & A. Valverde-Castillo. 2021. Predation of a Legler’s Stream Frog, Duellmanohyla legleri (Anura: Hylidae), by an Ornate Cat-eyed Snake, Leptodeira cf. ornata (Squamata: Dipsadidae). Reptiles & Amphibians 28:218-219.

Ali, Z. & H. Ali. 2022. A Cat-eyed Snake (Leptodeira aff. ornata) Preying on a Wood-colored Salamander (Bolitoglossa lignicolor). Reptiles & Amphibians 29:294-295.

Almeida, D., J.C., Dietz, B.F. Rodrigues de Oliveira, J.D. Gonçalves, M.R. Magalhães & R.S.A. Jesuíno. 2019. Antibacterial activity of the skin secretion of Phyllomedusa azurea (Anura: Hylidae) from the Central Brazil Cerrado. Revista de Biología Tropical 67:1-10.

Arias, E., G. Chaves, A. García-Rodríguez & M.J. Ryan. 2015. Predation of Rhaebo haematiticus (Anura: Bufonidae) by Leptodeira septentrionalis (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) in Costa Rica. Mesoamerican Herpetology 2:563-566.

Arrivillaga, C., J. Oakley & M. Huang. 2019. Leptodeira annulata (Banded Cat-Eyed Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 50:802-803.

Arroyo-Trejos, I. & J.M. Mora. 2016. Internal organ ingestion as an alternative feeding behavior for the Northern Cat-eyed Snake (Leptodeira septentrionalis). Mesoamerican Herpetology 3:153-156.

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Bello-Sánchez, E.A., A. González, R.L. Nochebuena & J.E. Morales. 2018. Leptodeira septentrionalis (Northern Cat-eyed Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 49:756.

Brown, T.W. 2020. The Northern cat-eyed snake Leptodeira septentrionalis (Squamata; Colubridae): hunting and feeding strategy on red-eyed tree frog Agalychnis callidryas (Anura: Hylidae) in Belize. Captive & Field Herpetology 4:1-3.

Cabrera-Guzmán, E., F. Carmona-Torres & V.H. Reynoso. 2009. Leptodeira septentrionalis (Cat-eyed snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 40:99.

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Campos, V., M.M. dos Santos & C. Strüssmann. 2011. Osteocephalus taurinus (Manaus slender-legged treefrog). Predation. Herpetological Review 42:412

Cantor, M. & L. Pizzatto. 2008. Natural history notes: Leptodeira annulata (Banded Cat-eyed Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 39:470-471.

Carvalho, V.T., L. Bonora & R.C. Vogt. 2007. Natural history notes: Leptodeira annulata (Banded cat-eyed snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 38:89.

Céspedes V. & J.G. Abarca. 2014. Nature notes: Leptodeira rhombifera. Diet. Mesoamerican Herpetology 1:288-289.

Céspedes, J., J. Astorga, J. Sánchez & J. Obando. 2018. Predation of Rhinophrynus dorsalis (Duméril and Bibron, 1841) (Anura: Rhinophrynidae) by Leptodeira rhombifera (Günther, 1872) (Serpentes: Dipsadidae), in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Herpetology Notes 11:959-960.

Cortés-Ortiz, B., E.A. Aguilar-Herrera & V.H. Jiménez-Arcos. 2022. Predation on Leptodeira polysticta (Dipsadidae) by Tliltocatl kahlenbergi (Theraphosidae) in the tropical forest of Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz. Revista Latinoamericana de Herpetología 5:98-100.

Costa, J.C.L., R. Graboski, F.G. Grazziotin, H. Zaher, M.T. Rodrigues & A.L.C. Prudente. 2022. Reassessing the systematics of Leptodeira (Serpentes, Dipsadidae) with emphasis in the South American species. Zoologica Scripta 51:415-433.

Costa, W.P. & F.S. de Andrade. 2020. Predation behaviour of Leptodeira annulata Linnaeus, 1758 (Serpentes: Dipsadidae) on Physalaemus cuvieri Fitzinger, 1826 (Anura, Leptodactylidae). Herpetology Notes 13:457-459.

Crawford, A.J. 2007. Natural history notes: Chiasmocleis panamensis (Panama Humming Frog). Predation. Herpetological Review 38:181.

Cruz-Sáenz, D., S. Guerrero-Vázquez, A. Camacho-Rodríguez & D. Lazcano. 2010. Leptodeira maculata (Southwestern Cat-eyed Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 41:366.

Dehling, D.M. 2009. Leptodeira septentrionalis. Prey. Herpetological Review 40:356.

Dos Santos, W.F.S., M. Dubeux & N.R. da Silva. 2018. Natural history notes: Pristimantis ramagii (Leaf-litter Frog). Predation. Herpetological Review 49:99-100.

Dougherty, R.P. & A.K. Lisondro. 2023. Predation of the anurans Agalychnis callidryas, Boana rosenbergi, and Engystomops pustulosus by the snakes Leptodeira ornata and Leptodeira rhombifera in an artificial pond. Herpetology Notes 16:507-516.

Dueñas, M.R. & L. Báez. 2003. The Ringed Cat-Eye Snake Leptodeira annulata (Colubridae: Dipsadinae) as hunter and prey: a review of its diet in the upper Amazon River basin. Revista Latinoamericana de Herpetología 65:102-112.

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Duport, A.S. 2020. Sapo común, sapo argentino, sapo grande Rhinella arenarum. Universo Tucumano 58:1-20.

Engeman, R.M. & C. Engeman. 2015. Leptodeira septentrionalis (Northern Cat-eyed Snake). Diet and predation. Herpetological Review 46:104-105.

Entiauspe-Neto, O.M., A.M. Rocha & D. Loebmann. 2016. First record of ophiophagy in Erythrolamprus poecilogyrus (Wied, 1825) (Serpentes: Dipsadidae). Herpetologia Brasileira 5:61-62.

Falkenberg, L.M., A.S. Protazio, R.L. Albuquerque & D. Oliveira-Mesquita. 2013. Predation of Phyllomedusa nordestina (Anura: Hylidae) by Leptodeira annulata (Serpente: Dipsadidae) in a temporary pond. Herpetology Notes 7:97-98.

Ferraz, D., W.P. Ramalho & M. Sousa-Andrade. 2018. Natural history notes: Rhinella mirandaribeiroi. Predation. Herpetological Review 49:520.

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Graham, S.P. & C. Kelehear. 2017. Natural history notes: Leptodeira annulata (Banded Cat-eyed Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 48:675-676.

Hagman, M. & R. Schulte. 2007. Natural history notes: Leptodeira annulata (Banded Cat-eyed Snake). Prey. Herpetological Review 38:90.

Hernández‐Palma, T.L., Rueda‐Solano, L.A., Valkonen, J.K. & Rojas, B. 2023. Predator response to the coloured eyespots and defensive posture of Colombian four‐eyed frogs. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 2023:1040-1049.

Huerta-García, E., V.C. Rosas-Espinoza, A.L. Santiago-Pérez, A.A. Godoy-González, J. Arreola-Aguirre & A. Ayón-Escobedo. 2015. Predation of Lithobates psilonota (Anura: Ranidae) by Leptodeira splendida (Squamata: Colubridae) in streams of the natural protected area Sierra de Quila, Jalisco, Mexico. Acta Zoológica Mexicana (nueva serie) 31:324-326.

Hudson A.A., N.R. Honório & B.M. Bernardette. 2019. Leptodeira annulata (Banded Cat-eyed Snake). Diet and reproduction. Herpetological Review 50:160-161.

Kaiser, K. 2010. Natural history notes: Agalychnis moreletii (Morelet's Frog). Predation. Herpetological Review 41:331.

Knight, J.L. 2016. Natural history notes: Leptodeira rhombifera (Common Cat-eyed Snake). Neonate diet / scavenging. Herpetological Review 47:313-314.

Lantyer-Silva, A.S.F., S. Siqueira & J. Zina. 2012. Natural history notes: Hypsiboas crepitans (Rattle-voiced Treefrog). Predation. Herpetological Review 43:121

Lynch, J.D. & A.M. Suárez-Mayorga. 2001. The distributions of the Gladiator frogs (Hyla boans group) in Colombia, with comments on size variation and sympatry. Caldasia 23:491-507

Maitland, D.P. 2003. Predation on Snakes by the Freshwater Land Crab Eudaniela garmani. Journal of Crustacean Biology 23:241-246.

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McKelvy, A.D., A. Figureoa & T.R. Lewis. 2013. First record of ophiophagy in the widely distributed snake Leptodeira septentrionalis (Kennicott, 1859) (Ophidia, Colubridae). Herpetology Notes 6:177-178.

Mendoza-Henao, A. 2011. Distress call of Smilisca baudinii (Hylidae) during predation by Leptodeira polysticta (dipsadidae) in Chiapas, México. Revista Latinoamericana de Herpetología 4:161-164.

Montalbán H., C.A., E.E. Neri C. & S. Aréchaga O. 2010. Leptodeira cussiliris (Duellman’s Cat-eyed Snake). Diet, Cannibalism. Herpetological Review 41:237.

Mora, J.M. 1999. Natural history notes: Leptodeira annulata (Culebra Destenida, Banded Cat-eyed Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 30:102.

Mora, J.M., J. Ramírez-Alvarado, J. Alpízar-Rodríguez, A. Rodríguez-Picado, S. Gallo-Gutiérrez & L.J. Alfaro-Rodríguez. 2020. Predation by a Black-banded Cat-eyed Snake, Leptodeira nigrofasciata Günther 1868 (Squamata: Dipsadidae) on a Yellow-bellied Gecko, Phyllodactylus tuberculosus Wiegmann 1834 (Squamata: Phyllodactylidae) in Northwestern Costa Rica. Reptiles & Amphibians 27:96-97.

Morais, D.H. & R.W. Avila. 2007. Natural history notes: Bufo granulosus (Granular Toad). Predation. Herpetological Review 38:180.

Nascimento, B.T.M., M. Mejía, M. Ellis & F. Maffei. 2013. Phyllomedusa spp. (Anura, Hylidae): predation by Leptodeira annulata (Serpentes, Dipsadidae). Herpetologia Brasileira 2:20-23.

Nieto-Toscano, L.F. & M. Martínez-Coronel. 2021. Notes on the Natural History and Distribution of Uribe’s Cat-eyed Snake, Leptodeira uribei (Dipsadidae). Reptiles & Amphibians 28:298-299.

Nuñez E., R. & D. Garro. 2020. Predation of a Plantation Glassfrog, Hyalinobatrachium colymbiphylum (Anura: Centrolenidae), by an Ornate Cat-eyed Snake, Leptodeira ornata (Squamata: Dipsadidae), in Costa Rica. Reptiles & Amphibians 27:489-490.

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Rojas-Carranza, A.H. & N. Anderson. 2023. Predation by the Common Cat-eyed Snake, Leptodeira rhombifera Günther, 1872, on the Pale Catfish in Costa Rica. Herpetology Notes 16:561-563.

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Vargas-Salinas, F. & A. Aponte-Gutierrez. 2013. A race for survivorship: failed predation on the toad Rhinella humboldti (Gallardo, 1965) by the Cat-eyed snake Leptodeira septentrionalis (Kennicott, 1859). Herpetology Notes 6:189-191.

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Cómo citar

Jiménez-Bolaño, J. D. ., Sierra-Serrano, Óscar ., Díaz Flórez, R. A., Zarate-Tirado, H. A., & Granda-Rodríguez, H. D. . (2024). NUEVOS REGISTROS DE DEPREDACIÓN POR SERPIENTES OJO DE GATO DEL GÉNERO Leptodeira (SQUAMATA: DIPSADIDAE), CON REVISIÓN HISTORICA DE ESPECIES CONSUMIDAS. Revista Latinoamericana De Herpetología, 7(4), e1023 (54 – 65).