Changes in the Revista Latinoamericana de Herpetología in 2022




As of January 1st, 2022, the Revista Latinoamericana de Herpetología will take great steps in the editorial process:

  1. A Continuous Publication System will begin. This means that authors will no longer have to wait for a number to come out every 6 months. The process will depend entirely on the reviewing time and the resubmission time by the authors.
  2. The peer review process will be double blind. This means that the reviewers will not know the authors’ identity (who the authors are), with this we hope that the peer review process within the RLH will be fairer and more impartial. The submission must contain:
    1. Manuscript cover letter
    2. Personal data document, this will be composed of:
      1. Title
      2. Cornice
      3. Authors
      4. Institutions
      5. Acknowledgements
    3. Main manuscript 

Detailed instructions for authors can be reviewed here.

  1. Manuscripts that have not included the co-authors in the system will not be processed. They will be rejected immediately and they will be asked to make a new submission that includes all the co-authors with all their data, which are:
    1. Full name.
    2. Institution of affiliation. In case there is no “Independent researcher”.
    3. Country
    4. Orcid optional, but we encourage all authors to register with Orcid.