Coendou mexicanus (Erethizotidae) AS POTENTAL PREY OF Crocodylus acutus (Crocodylidae) IN LA VENTANILLA, OAXACA, MEXICO
barbs, diet, strategy, stalk, vertebratesAbstract
We present a case of interaction between a Mexican hairy dwarf porcupine (Coendou mexicanus) and an American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) in La Ventanilla, Oaxaca, Mexico. In a mangrove area, we found a subadult C. acutus submerged in a shallow area of the lagoon. The animal presented several white projections emerging from the antero-lateral jaw region, concluding that these projections corresponded to the keratinized hair (barbs) of a porcupine, which are used as a defensive strategy to predators. This report offers evidence to include the tropical porcupine in the list of potential prey items of C. acutus.
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