Ecotoxicology, heavy metals, snakes, ViperidaeAbstract
Snakes, in general, are organisms that are especially vulnerable to contamination by Metals of Toxicological Interest (MTI), since they have a series of their own characteristics that make them prone to bioaccumulation and biomagnification of contaminants. However, their inclusion in toxicological studies is still scarce. On the other hand, the soils of the Mining Region, Hidalgo, may present MTI contamination due to its long history of mineral extraction, a situation that may compromise the health of the area's ecosystems along with its biota. Given the previous knowledge of a population of Crotalus aquilus distributed within the Pachuca-Actopan mining region, the present evaluation characterized the area of interest and the presence of the species. The hazard was characterized by determining the presence of MTI associated with mining processes in the area (Cd, Pb and Hg). Subsequently, the magnitude of the ecological risk was determined using the environmental hazard quotient (CF), the ecological risk index (ER) and the cumulative ecological risk index (RI). Similarly, the risk of effective exposure of the C. aquilus population was estimated using the indirect dietary exposure index (IED), the chronic intake index (CDI) and the health risk index (HQ).
On the other hand, the soils of the Mining Region, Hidalgo, may present TIM contamination due to its long history of mineral extraction, a situation that may compromise the health of the area's ecosystems along with its biota.
Due to the previous knowledge of a population of Crotalus aquilus distributed within the Pachuca-Actopan mining region, the present evaluation was applied. Where the area of interest was characterized and the presence of the species in it was identified. The hazard was characterized by determining the presence of TIM associated with mining processes in the area (Cd, Pb and Hg). Subsequently, the magnitude of the ecological risk was determined using the environmental hazard quotient (CP), the ecological risk index (ER) and the cumulative ecological risk index (RI). Similarly, the health risk of the C. aquilus population was evaluated using the indirect dietary exposure index (IED), the chronic intake index (CDI), and the health risk index (HQ).
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