
  • Dennis Huisa-Balcon Universidad Nacional del Altiplano Puno
  • Victor Enrique Ramos Rodrigo Denver Zoological Foundation, Denver, Colorado, USA
  • Mario Alberto Soria Arredondo Asociación para la Conservación de la Biodiversidad PRO CARNIVOROS, Perú
  • Roberto Kosmas Elias Piperis Denver Zoological Foundation, Denver, Colorado, USA / Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Laboratorio de Vida Silvestre, Lima, Perú



High Andean Lagoons, Linear morphometry, Telmatobiidae, Titicaca basin


We documented the linear morphometry of 14 specimens of Telmatobius culeus from the Lagunillas Lagoon Complex, collected through snorkel diving and shoreline transects at depths of 1.5 to 2 m, about total of specimens seven (n = 7) is from Lagunillas and seven (n = 7) from Ululunasa. In the Lagunillas lagoon the maximum value of Total Length LT is 292 mm; maximum and minimum range of LHC is 107 mm and 92 mm. In the Ululunasa lagoon the maximum LT value is 390 mm; the maximum and minimum range of LHC is 163 mm and 124 mm. In terms of size, these values are the highest records for the species in recent years.


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How to Cite

Huisa-Balcon, D. X., Ramos Rodrigo, V. E., Soria Arredondo, M. A., & Elias Piperis, R. K. (2024). REPORT OF HIGH MORPHOMETRIC VALUES OF Telmatobius culeus IN THE PRIORITY SITE COMPLEX OF LAGUNAS LAGUNILLAS, PERU. Revista Latinoamericana De Herpetología, 7(4), e877 (5 – 15).