
  • Jackeline Aida Mendoza Soto Crees Foundation for Manu
  • Español Español English
  • Spanish Spanish English
  • Spanish Spanish English
  • English English Crees Foundation for Manu



Bats, diet, ecosystem services, Manu National Park, snakes


We report the first ​record of predation ​of a Black Myotis (Myotis nigricans) by a Yellow-bellied Puffing Snake (Spilotes sulphureus), which occurred in the ​​​​thatched roof of the Manu Learning Centre Biological Station in the buffer zone of the Manu National Park, Madre de Dios, Peru. Additionally, we provide a brief and comparative list of the observed use of roofs as feeding sites in other species of neotropical snakes. Our observation of S. sulphureus, along with previous records of snakes found hunting in roofs, highlights how anthropogenic habitats may provide unique feeding opportunities and how some species of snakes have adapted to utilise them. Furthermore, these snakes may play a role in pest control of species known to carry zoonotic diseases such as bats, providing a beneficial service to humans.


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How to Cite

Mendoza Soto, J. A., Español, E., Spanish, S., Spanish, S., & English, E. (2024). PREDATION OF Myotis nigricans (CHIROPTERA: VESPERTILIONIDAE) BY Spilotes sulphureus (SQUAMATA: COLUBRIDAE) AND A REVISED LIST OF THE USE OF ROOFS AS FEEDING SITES BY NEOTROPICAL SNAKES. Revista Latinoamericana De Herpetología, 7(3), e926 (9 –13).



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