Anurans, Animal behaviour, Glass frogs, Sexual selection, Intraespecific geographic variationAbstract
We monitored the reproductive behavior of the glass frog Hyalinobatrachium tatayoi in a population in the Central cordillera of Colombia. We described the calling site of males, courtship behavior, amplexus, oviposition, and mating pattern. We also compared our results with those of a similar study conducted 30 years ago in a population in Panama. During 21 field trips between July and December 2022, we recorded 85 males and 89 females from the ground to heights of more than 5 m. In H. tatayoi, males predominantly called from both the lower and upper side of the leaves, and courtship lasted for more than 30 minutes. When a male attracts a female, he begins to emit advertisement and courtship calls while she moves around and touches him multiple times with her limbs and body. During this courtship, the male does not attempt to force the amplexus. The amplexus is axillary, and the male covers the eggs with his body shortly after oviposition. Male mating success increased with the number of nights they were active in their territory, but was unrelated to their body size and the average height of the substrate in which they were recorded. This is a recurring finding in studies on the reproductive behavior of Centrolenidae. Future studies are needed to determine whether females, or even males, discriminate among potential mates. Comparing our results with those obtained in the previously studied Panamanian population, we did not find any intra-specific geographic variation in the reproductive behavior of H. tatayoi.
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