Mite, ectoparasitism, lizard, TrombiculidaeAbstract
In reptiles, ectoparasitism is recurrent and is caused by ticks or other mites, causing dermatitis and other skin diseases. The objective of the study was to describe the characteristics of mite infestations (abundance, interval, intensity and prevalence) in the pink-bellied spiny lizard (Sceloporus variabilis Wiegmann, 1834; Squamata: Phrynosomatidae) in the municipality of Córdoba, Omealca and Amatlán de Los Reyes belonging to the area of the Altas Montañas, Veracruz, Mexico, as well as to relate if there exists a relationship between lizard body characteristics and mite abundance. Fourteen specimens of S. variabilis were collected and classified by sex and age, and mites were removed from different parts of the body. A total of 145 mites were extracted and identified as Eutrombicula alfreddugesi (Trombiculidae) (prevalence was 92.9 %; abundance: 10.4 mites and range: 1-46 mites); Geckobiela variabilis (Pterygosomatidae), 42 (prevalence: 64.2 %; abundance: 3 mites and range: 1-13 mites) and only 20 unidentified individuals. The largest number of mites was present under the scales in the axillary and lateral areas. The evaluation analysis showed that the lizards had a greater number of E. alfreddugesi on the head; while G. variabilis was located on the arms and tail; regarding the sex of the lizards, it was not an important factor affecting the parameters of mite infestation, so other behavioral and environmental factors influence its high prevalence.
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